Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

We’re back!

Monday, August 10th, 2020

We’re back! Ad Limiter 3.1.0 is live. Ad limiting and rating works for Bing and Google again.

New Ad Limiter version 2.4.1

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

Ad Limiter 2.4.1 is now available. This new version is much more effective at dealing with Google’s wall of ads on certain search results. Search for “credit card” with Google, and you’ll see nothing but Google ads, some from rather sketchy businesses. Install Ad Limiter, and you’ll only see one ad, followed by real search results.

Especially effective for Firefox on mobile, where your whole phone screen is often ads when you search.

Over 4,000,000 site ratings

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

The SiteTruth system has rated new web sites over 4,000,000 times.  Users with our Ad Limiter and Ad Rater plug-ins drive the rating system, so each of those ratings is for a site that someone saw in a search result or an ad. Once a site has been rated by request, the rating is good for a month.  This is a count of sites rated or re-rated, not requests to SiteTruth. (That number is much higher.)

Rating number 4,000,000 is for Hardisty’s Homewares in Santa Rosa, California.

We hang a dog tag on every site on the web

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Starting today, we give “Know who you’re dealing with” some teeth. With our Ad Limiter add-on installed, mouse over any rating icon. You’ll see a “dog tag”, like this:

SiteTruth "dog tag"

SiteTruth "dog tag"

We tell you the name of the company behind the web site, its location, and its annual sales. Clicking on “SiteTruth profile” will bring up even more information about the company. Now you can easily decide if you want to deal with a strange company.

Companies that don’t clearly disclose their identity get a dog tag which is mostly blank. Do you want to deal with them?

Google makes “real time results” more prominent. Their spam problem gets worse.

Friday, February 11th, 2011


Google recently “real time results” more prominent in search results. So what are the “real time results”? When we search for “Google search spam”, we are shown an article from someone who just discovered how to use the “-” flag in Google search as a news item. We then get  Twitter spam about that news item.

This is yet another failure of  “crowdsourcing”. It’s too easy to spam.