Archive for September, 2013

Over 4,000,000 site ratings

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

The SiteTruth system has rated new web sites over 4,000,000 times.  Users with our Ad Limiter and Ad Rater plug-ins drive the rating system, so each of those ratings is for a site that someone saw in a search result or an ad. Once a site has been rated by request, the rating is good for a month.  This is a count of sites rated or re-rated, not requests to SiteTruth. (That number is much higher.)

Rating number 4,000,000 is for Hardisty’s Homewares in Santa Rosa, California.

Problems with Ad Limiter preferences panel in Firefox 23.

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Due to Firefox Bug 886329, “drop-down list in Jetpack add-on breaks entire UI”, the preferences menu in Ad Limiter is not working in Firefox version 23 only. It worked in Firefox 22, and is  fixed in Firefox 24, which is now available. We suggest not using Firefox 23.